Tutorial: Ugly Sweater Nail Art

Cropped Winter Sweater

Did you think cropping the bottom off would make it trendy and cute?

I don’t know how I totally forgot to post this here! xD New tutorial on YouTube – it’s an Ugly Sweater tutorial to go along with all of the ugly sweaters I’ve been seeing recently. :3

Anyway, so I walked into Urban Outfitters about a week ago and all I saw as far as sweaters were like, softer, thinner versions of those terrible sweaters that your grandmother made for you for Christmas.  Or, if your grandmother was good at knitting and wasn’t senile, like my grandmother, maybe they were only like the sweaters that you saw in movies that made fun of senile grandmothers who thought the sweaters were cute or something.  Either way, you know what I’m talking about when I saw ugly Christmas sweater.  That being said, I was shocked, confused, and a little appauled at what I saw – not because the sweaters were hideous, though let me tell you some were and I wish I had had a camera to truly capture their terrible-ness, but rather … Because people were paying a silly amount of money for what you put at the bottom of the drawer all year every year only to put on at Christmas time to appease your parents and make you grandparents happy.

Ugly Sweater #1

Case in point, this is a pretty terrible sweater – complete with light-up nose for Rudolph.

And unsurprisingly, people were apparently paying $50 a pop for these bad boys; admittedly, a lot more manual labor went into the ones that you wanted to lose or destroy so they could never see the light of day again, what with knitting machines and all that, so you would probably get a lot more for the real thing, but … Fact still stands that there are people willing to pay money for these sweaters out there, and a lot too …

However, as I am prone to doing, I digress.  I am here to share with you a way to get in on this trend without lightening your coin purse and without poten

tially looking absolutely terrible in the name of fashion – even if you’re wearing it to be hilarious or ironic … Don’t.  The only place it’s acceptable is an ugly sweater party, and even then that means you’d have to own one, so you’re on notice.

Close up of the Ugly Sweaters while Making an Ugly Sweater!

Close up of the Ugly Sweaters while Making an Ugly Sweater!

There’s a reason they are called “Ugly Christmas Sweaters”.

Just saying.

Anyway, onto the nail art.

As you can see to the right, I just took Christmas colors, dropped a gawdy tree and some busy brushwork on it, and it looks just like a sweater, huh? xD  It’s really fun – I had a good time … Ok, so it was little more work than I make it sound; but then, all of my nail art starts with a drawing before I actually try painting it, and then I paint 8 or 9 other nails to make sure that I’ve got the “technique” down so that when I explain how to do it, it makes sense.  ^^;; But anyway, if you want to see it, here is my original doodle for the design before I actually did anything, so you can see it on paper.  It’s both designs – the main sweater nail, and the blue accent nail that isn’t as hideous as the red and green one for some reason … I think maybe I didn’t try hard enough, but you can at least get a feel for the effect, so that’s something.

I always do my nail art like this; draw a nail shape and then doodle inside of it. :3

I always do my nail art like this; draw a nail shape and then doodle inside of it. :3

The top of the blue nail, which I just realized you really can’t see too well in the close up picture I posted, really didn’t come out how I wanted it, but I decided when I was doing the first accent nail that that design was too difficult to do and explain well without sounding confusing.  It already seemed pretty confusing when I explained how I actually did it in the video, so I have no idea how that dotting pattern would have gone …

But anyway, this is the preliminary sketch image – it’s actually done on an envelope if you were wondering what that weird split in the middle of the accent nail is.  ^^;;

To be fair a swell, the accent nails sort of were an after thought; at first I was going to paint all 10 fingers the same, and at the last moment I was like, wait!  I could do something else here! … Which is probably why they look more like what you would paint 8 of 10 fingers whereas the red/green nails you would do for accent nails but … Whatever.  ^^;; Feel free to switch them if you like (I mention that in the video as well) because I honestly think it might look better … Also less hideous on your nails xD  Which is always a plus.

This turned out to be a less-ugly sweater than I intended ^^;;

This turned out to be a less-ugly sweater than I intended ^^;;

Anyway; I’ll post my materials list here, as well as in the actual YouTube video.  Which, btw, I’ll leave a link to at the bottom of this post in case you want to try it out ^-^  So, I guess all that’s left to say is until next time … May your life be full of color. :3

Materials Used:
– Mavala Scientifique
– NailTiques 2
– Double Decker Red by OPI
– First Mate by China Glaze
– Alpine Snow by OPI
– Jade is the New Black by OPI
– I’ll Take the Cake by OPI
– Orange stick
– White Oumaxi Acrylic Nail Art Paint
– Roubloff Kolinsky DK13R Brush
– Square nail art brush and Pure Acetone
– Seche Vite

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3tnguYu2yw&feature=c4-overview&list=UUE75aaUHdVpvpMVOY4qCcMg

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