Moar Nail Art

So, I try to give myself a new manicure twice a week – once sometime around Sunday (so, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday) and once sometime around Wednesday (so, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and I live nail art. I hate leaving my nails a solid color our just a pain French – it feels like cheating … So I always try to do something, and if I really like how it comes out, I take pictures (as you’ve probably seen from my earlier post) .. And more I have more! ^^;;


This was from a couple weeks ago, playing with fimo fruit slices and different color splotches … I think it’s a strawberry, honey dew slice, lemon, orange, and dragonfruit.


This was a pedicure from the same day – I was trying to find a good French pink for my nails, but this one was too beige I discovered. the big toes are the only thing frenched because the little ones would be too difficult – and I got the metallic stars from Sally’s. :]


This is a swirly green and silver design … That’s really all I can call it. xD I asked a friend how I should paint my nails, and she said, “oh do something green! And silver – and swirly!” …. This was what I came up with xD


This was the first time I EVER got my crackle nail polishes to work – it’s a lace design with rhinestones. You have no idea how excited I was when the black cracked! :3


Since I had such luck with the black, and I own 3, I figured I’d try the other 2 as well – I’m not sure it really counts as nail art, but I was really excited it worked! xD


This is the one I just did yesterday – it’s a silver and navy Rufian manicure with some silver chunky roses I just did with the regular nail polish brush.  Here’s a close up of one of the roses so you can see a little better:


I’ve never tried a Rufian manicure before – it was difficult getting the navy line even with my cuticles …

Anyway, that’s all for now – just a quick mobile update because I realized I had all these pictures on my phone xD

Til next time,