Polar Bear Nails!

So … guess what I have for you?

1219132205aYou guessed it (or maybe you didn’t?) Polar Bear nails!  Which I keep trying to type as Panda Bear nails, though they are very similar so can you blame me …?   Anyway,  I just posted a tutorial on how to do this nail art on YouTube, but if you wanted to see more pictures, you’ve come to the right place.  Or, if you haven’t seen the video yet, you can check out the design and decide if you want to watch.  (It’s a really short video though, so it won’t take up too much of your time!)

Anyway, to the left you see the accent nail and part of the main nail design, but below I’ll show you a few more pictures before we get on with the list of the materials I used.

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As for the thumbs, if you are wondering why they are missing dots and have weird little swirls on them, I was going to put something like snow drifts on them before I decided to just go with a row of dots – the thumbs were the first two I painted, and I decided I didn’t really like it as much as I would probably like something else … Wasn’t sure what at the time (rhinestone, etc) but I decided to try something else anyway.  I also considered using white flocking powder to make the bear faces fuzzy, but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to put the face on top of it without making a mess.  So yeah; if you try that out let me know what you find out, or if you know if you can paint over flocking powder, tell me – I would really like to know.

1219132208As for materials used, they are as follows:

– Alpine Snow by OPI
– #241 by NYC Nail Glossies
– I’ll Take the Cake by OPI
– Ski Slope Sweetie by OPI
– Fairy Dust by China Glaze
– #430 Black Satin by Rimmel
– Seche Vite

Like the video says, it’s been pretty cold in NYC this past week – the entire US has been cold honestly, and it’s pretty crazy.  Definitely a good time to stay bundled up and stay inside as much as you can.  Too bad it came in the middle of the work week, so avoiding outdoors wasn’t really possible, but … Hopefully you stayed pretty warm!

Until next time, I hope your life is full of color!

❤ RaeynnBeau

P.S. If you want to check out the video, all you have to do is click below and learn how to make these super cute nails!